How many speeds of light in the new theory?

Ruslan A. Sharipov. 

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The new theory here means the theory of gravity which is called “3D-brane model of the universe.” Light is an electromagnetic wave, and electromagnetism has been studied inside and out. There is only one speed of light in it. It is listed first on our list.

The new theory also has one single speed of light. But, besides it, the new theory has several other speed constants. The second constant in our list is the speed of gravitational waves. The third one is the limiting speed for baryonic particles. And the fourth one is the limiting speed for non-baryonic particles.

Some clarification is required here. In particle physics, baryons are particles composed of quarks and antiquarks with the baryon number equal to +1 or -1. In astrophysics and in the theory of gravity, a broader interpretation of this term is used. Baryons or baryonic matter here refers to all visible matter i.e. the matter that can absorb or emit light or can participate in strong and/or weak interactions. The non-baryonic matter is called the dark matter. Many hypotheses have been put forward about the structure of the dark matter. But there is no exact knowledge about it. Its presence is revealed by indirect signs - by the gravitational lensing of light and by the velocities of stars on the outskirts of galaxies.

In Einstein's theory, all the speeds listed above must coincide. In the new theory, there is no such limitation a priori. Experimental data from the 20th century seem to indicate that the first three constants do coincide. This fact requires a proof within the framework of the new theory. As of March 12, 2024, I was able to substantiate the coincidence of the second and the third of the speeds listed above at the level of macroscopic bodies by considering the rotation of a body made of baryonic matter around an attracting center, also made of baryonic matter.

The fourth speed on the list is the limiting speed of particles of non-baryonic matter. Nobody has measured this speed experimentally, because nobody has yet created particles of the non-baryonic matter. Theoretically, in the new theory this speed may differ from the speed of light. It can be greater than the speed of light and it can be even many times greater. Therefore, the new theory leaves a chance for interstellar and intergalactic travel.



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